There’s No Need To Leave The City This Summer

As we get into the heart of the summer, temps are rising and so are humidity levels. That may leave some New Yorkers setting their sights on ways to escape the city heat, as well as the hustle and bustle, for more relaxing surroundings. But there’s so much to do and see in the city […]
Let Messengers Help Ease The Summer Strain

Memorial Day is upon us, and that means that so is the hustle and bustle of the summer months in New York City. Between loads of tourists roaming the streets and temperatures that will soon start to soar, it’s easy to see why New Yorkers try to avoid being out on the streets whenever possible. […]
The Beauty of Springtime in NYC

Although Mother Nature has enjoyed playing tricks on us these last few weeks, there’s no doubt that spring is finally upon us. And there’s no better place to enjoy the season than in New York City. Whether you enjoy simply taking a stroll down the street under the warming sun and cool breezes or you […]
3 Benefits Of Using Professional Courier Services

Whether you own a small business or are in charge of budgetary issues for a department within your company, you know that there is always a trade-off between the cost and benefits of various services, products or personnel decisions. When it comes to using a professional courier or messenger service to handle pick-ups and/or deliveries around town, […]
Court Couriers Save Valuable Time

If you are employed in the legal profession, you understand the value of time and how precious preserving your time can be. You also are aware of how time-consuming some of the various processes and procedures that must be completed throughout the regular of the day can be. When it comes to delivering documents to […]
Don’t Risk Icy Conditions – Use A Courier

With the brunt of winter weather now upon us, there are many reasons why we may not want to venture out of our warm offices or cozy homes when we don’t have to. Between blustery winds and icy pavement, traipsing across town to pick up or deliver paperwork or packages is not topping most people’s […]
GFD Courier to Handle New York City Distribution of A&B American Style Hot Sauce

We are proud to announce that A&B American Style Hot Sauce, a company committed to creating tasty pepper sauces containing only fresh, simple and healthy ingredients, has selected GFD Courier as the primary distributor of its condiments to large retail establishments throughout the NYC Metro area. GFD Courier offers numerous logistics management services including storage, distribution, […]
What’s On Your List Of Resolutions For The New Year?

With the end of the year upon us, it’s natural for many people to turn their thoughts inwards as they determine what type of resolutions they may want to make for the upcoming new year. While some may focus on changing habits directly affecting health, such as losing weight or stopping smoking, others may be […]
Is There A Difference Between A Messenger And A Courier?

What’s a courier, exactly? The terms messenger and courier are often used interchangeably, and if you are looking for the types of services offered by these professionals, you may be wondering if there is any difference between the two so that you know whether to request messenger services or courier services, depending on your needs. The fact is […]
How Top Law Firms In NYC Save Time And Money Using Courier Services

Law firms and legal practices have to contend with a great deal of paper moving around on a daily basis. Between forms that have to be signed by clients, documentation that has to be delivered to the courthouse and other paperwork that needs to be picked-up, delivered, filed, copied or notarized, the profession has not […]