law firms often rely on legal courier services 300x200 1

Law firms and legal practices have to contend with a great deal of paper moving around on a daily basis.  Between forms that have to be signed by clients, documentation that has to be delivered to the courthouse and other paperwork that needs to be picked-up, delivered, filed, copied or notarized, the profession has not reached a stage where “paperless” is the buzzword.

So, why do so many law firms, especially in metropolitan areas like New York City, rely on professional legal courier services to take care of much of their paper movement needs?  The answer is that leaving time-consuming pick-ups and deliveries to companies that specialize in these types of services frees up valuable time for lawyers and their staff, improving productivity and ultimately leading to the potential for more billable hours.

While you may be inclined to “do it yourself” to add that personal touch or to ensure that sensitive documentation is handled with care, a reputable courier service can offer you the same high level of customer attention and security that you would provide on your own.  Legal couriers that have experience and expertise understand the nature of picking-up and delivering sensitive materials in places such as courthouses, law firms and other locations requiring precision, tact and attention to detail.

If another reason why you haven’t considered using a courier instead of your own staff to deliver legal paperwork around town is the time-sensitivity of certain situations, that’s another issue that you don’t really have to worry about if you hire a company you can trust.  For example, GFD Courier offers same-day delivery services, with most deliveries taking place within two hours, and also offers an option to request express rush delivery if you need to guarantee your delivery gets there at a certain time or within a specified timeframe.

Some legal practices also find themselves in need of having to get documentation delivered in a very timely manner to areas that seem like they would be out of the jurisdiction of a local courier company.  While these firms may be inclined to call a courier when they need to have a package delivered to the other side of town, they may assume that if documents need to be delivered to the state capital (Albany) or somewhere outside of the metropolitan New York area, they have no choice but to just send someone from the office to handle the delivery.  This can be a very time-consuming mistake, since it can take hours to make the initial trip, then additional time to have to wait while documents are signed, filed or require some other action, only to then turn around and make the trip all the way back to the city.  In some cases, this can take an employee away from the office for an entire day or more.

The key to maintaining productivity in situations such as these is to again find a reputable legal courier that offers delivery services that extend beyond the immediate local area.  Doing so will likely save you money in the long run as you can keep employees doing what they do best – helping to add to the bottom line of the company – while professionals handle time-consuming deliveries.

For more information about our legal courier services in New York City and beyond, contact GFD Courier at 212-349-3644 or 718-222-7444.

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