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GFD Courier is recognized throughout the metropolitan NY area as a company offering quality legal delivery services.  With so many varied reasons as to why a law firm or independent lawyer might need a messenger who is experienced in handling the pick-up and delivery of legal documents, we thought we’d highlight three of the top requests we get when it comes to law professionals hiring GFD to handle their court delivery needs.

  1. Filing motions – When an attorney needs to file a motion in court, the process of getting the paperwork from their office to the courthouse and then waiting while the motion is stamped by the court clerk can be a time consuming matter. GFD can handle the entire process of filing a motion in court for a law firm – from picking up the documentation at a lawyer’s office to delivering the documentation to the courthouse and then waiting while the motion is filed.  Additionally, documentation may need to be copied, which can sometimes amount to several hundred pages, and the professionals at GFD can handle this task along with other services.
  2. Retrieving files – Attorneys often rely on professionals like those at GFD to retrieve files for them from the courthouse. In many cases, in addition to retrieval, the files need to be copied, which can be anything from a single page to several hundred pages.
  3. Serving papers – After a motion is filed in court, the file must be served on the opposing attorney(s). In some cases, this only requires a single trip, while in other cases there are several papers that need to be served.  Once this service is performed, the legal delivery professionals at GFD print out affidavits of service for each individual served and the courier completes and signs the affidavits.  These are then notarized and are presented back to the court, proving that service on the defendant(s) was performed.  Upon completion of this service, the lawyer that hired GFD to perform these services is emailed with all stamped copies from the court.

In addition to the above-mentioned requests related to courthouse deliveries, GFD Courier also offers a travelling Notary service.  This makes it convenient for our clients to obtain the notary services they need throughout any stage of our court delivery process.

We offer our services to lawyers from within the New York metropolitan area as well as from those who reside outside of the city.  Additionally, we can file motions, retrieve files and serve papers just about anywhere within a day’s drive.  So, for example, if a Manhattan attorney needs to have a motion filed in a courthouse in Albany, we can pick up the files from their office, drive to Albany to file the motion and wait for the papers.  We can then return to deliver any files to the attorney in Manhattan or to any other locations necessary.

For more information about the types of court delivery services offered by GFD Courier, call 212-349-3644 or 718-222-7444.

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