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Planning on relocating your office?  No matter how large or small your office space may be and how many employees call that space home during the workday, there is a lot that goes into making sure that your office relocation goes smoothly and is as stress-free as possible.  We put together a list of tips to ease the process so that you can transition to the new space with as few headaches and as little downtime as possible.  In fact, we split this list into two separate articles to better ensure that we could provide adequate information about each tip.

Office Relocation Tips For A Successful Move:

  • Proper planning – Just as with everything in life, proper planning can go a long way towards a seamless execution.  Give yourself enough time to properly plan all aspects of the move necessary and make sure that someone is in charge of the entire project.  If the relocation is complicated or intricate, you may need additional people to plan specific aspects of the move, but there should be one person in charge of the overall planning, timeline, budget, etc. so that everyone knows how each piece of the puzzle fits together.
  • Create a clearly labeled floor plan – When planning out the new space, a good deal of thought and effort should go into how the new space will be laid out.  Don’t simply keep the status quo because it’s familiar – an office relocation is the perfect time to rethink effective work flows and create a clearly labeled floor plan for where each department and each staff member will go when they get to the new space.  Once completed, each office, cubicle or desk should be clearly labeled on the floor plan and this information should be communicated so that employees can label boxes, furniture or equipment that needs to find its way to the new space.
  • Hire reliable and experienced professionals – Moving an office is one time that it’s especially important to do some due diligence and hire experienced and reliable professionals to carry out the move.  The last thing you need is more stress or a road block that prevents you from getting up and running as soon as possible.  Check references and reviews, get recommendations if possible, and find companies experienced in office relocation in NYC so that they are ready to handle all aspects of your move in the most professional and efficient way possible.  It’s also a good idea to first decide what aspects of the relocation you want the company to handle so you can better ensure that the company you choose is equipped to offer those services.  For example, in addition to the actual moving of boxes and furniture, you may want someone to handle all packing, to take-down and cubicles, to hook up equipment and so on.
  • Communicate, communicate, communicate – Even the best laid plans can go awry if there is not effective communication in a project of this size.  Make sure everyone in the office knows anything they need to know related to the move – deadlines for packing, timing of the move, where they will be located in the new space, how they should move certain items and what is expected of them during the transition.  Additionally, it’s important for the person or team in charge of the move to maintain open communication with the company providing the office relocation services and to let them know what is expected during the move.

Think you’ve got all the info you need to plan a successful relocation?  Think again!  Stay tuned for our next article with more important tips to help you ensure a stress-free move…

For more information about planning an office relocation or to discuss the office relocation services in NYC offered by GFD Courier, call 212-349-3644 or 718-222-7444.

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