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With Thanksgiving upon us, we have “officially” entered the frenzy of the holiday season.  Whether you are a business that wants to make sure your most valued customers realize how much you appreciate them at this time of year or you are a busy professional who doesn’t have time to pack up and ship your gifts to friends, business associates and loved ones so they arrive on time, never underestimate the usefulness of courier services in NYC at this time of the year.

Take, for example, gifts that you need distributed to clients or potential clients around the city.  Not only is hiring a messenger to get those gifts into the right hands a way to cut down on the work you need to do yourself, but it can also make a big impression on the recipient who will likely be impressed that you chose to find a more unique and personalized way to get your gift into their hands.  So rather than packing up each individual gift and then waiting in line to drop it off at the post office or a shipping service, all while making sure it arrives on time but not too early, all you need to do is to make a single phone call to a New York City messenger so you can arrange to have them pick up your gifts at your office or at any other location that’s convenient for you and then deliver them wherever they need to go, whenever they need to get there.

Not only do messenger services make it easier on you when it comes to getting holiday gifts into the hands of recipients, but they also give you some cushion if you’re among the many people who tend to procrastinate a bit and wait until the last minute to do your holiday shopping.  After all, if you don’t have to rely on the postal service, which can potentially take days to get a package across town, you have extra time to wait until biting the bullet and getting those gifts purchased.  Even if it’s a last minute endeavor or you suddenly forget that you left someone off your gift list inadvertently, you can still make an impact with a quick messenger delivery, leaving none the wiser.

So, while you’re making your list of things you need to remember to do this holiday season, give yourself a break and remember that by hiring a messenger service to get your gifts delivered down the street or across town, you will not only be saving yourself a lot of time but will also be adding an extra dimension to your gift giving by having gifts arrive in a more unique and personalized way than usual.

From all of us at GFD Courier, we wish you a Happy Thanksgiving and a joyful upcoming holiday season!

For more information about our quick and reliable messenger services in New York City, call GFD Courier at 212-349-3644 or 718-222-7444.

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