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Do you operate a business that is short on space and requires a place to house supplies, documentation or equipment?  If so, storage and warehousing services can meet your needs.  This type of service is also appropriate for companies that need to maintain product inventory but don’t want to invest in a facility large enough to hold all the products that flow through in order to carry on regular business activities.

Storage and warehousing services can provide the extra space needed, whether you are simply looking for a temporary solution or require something longer-term.   Some reasons you might be interested in housing items temporarily include the relocation of office space, seasonal business needs, or an upcoming trade show or convention that has you gearing up for a date sometime in the near future.  Longer term needs may be due to downsizing of office space, the need to retain documentation that is not used on a regular basis but cannot be discarded, or inventory that you do not want to have to keep on hand within your own facility (or that may require you to rent or purchase additional space).

When you house items in a storage facility, no matter what they may be, you have a number of options available to you.  The first choice you have to make is how the items will get to the location.  Most businesses do not choose to personally bring the items to the facility on their own, but rather prefer to contract with a company that can provide both the delivery and storage services.  In this way, they can rely on just a single company to handle all aspects of transporting the items and getting them to their proper destination safely and securely – and then keeping them there.  In fact, some businesses also wish to have the same company pack up and/or inventory all items prior to transport so that the business’s staff does not have to complete this potentially time-consuming work.

Other options you may want to consider, depending on your needs, are the ability for the company providing storage and warehousing services to unload and unpack items at the facility, as well as to photograph, catalogue and inventory all items being stored.  If you have documentation that you wish to store and want easy access to it without having to rummage through boxes or files full of paper, you also have the option with some companies to request document imaging services, so that the documents are easily available for electronic viewing at a moment’s notice.  This service can improve operating efficiency while freeing up valuable office space.

If you are engaged in a business that maintains product inventory, you can even choose to streamline your operations by not only warehousing your inventory in an external facility, but opting to find a company like GFD that can also handle all aspects of the product fulfillment and distribution process for you.  This provides you with comprehensive logistics management solutions, allowing you to better focus on more important aspects of your business while critical components are still handled in an efficient and dependable manner.

For more information about storage and warehousing services in New York, contact GFD Courier at 212-349-3644 or 718-222-7444.

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