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For many, the beginning of September is a time of new beginnings. Kids go back to school and routines return to normal after the informality of the summer winds to a close. While kids have a fresh start as they fill their backpacks with new school supplies and meet new friends and teachers, adults also find that this time of year is the perfect time to start a new.

That’s why it’s no surprise that people looking to move their office or relocate often think about doing so at this time of year. It’s a time to regroup and start fresh. It’s also a chance to get settled before the hustle and bustle of year-end settles in.

Depending on the size of your office and how far you’re planning on moving, you’ll have to do some planning to get ready. Of course, you’ll have to choose your new digs and make sure they’ll accommodate your staff and any services you need to offer. You’ll also have to think about things like new furniture, new equipment and what you’ll be taking with you from your existing space. And since you won’t be strapping cubicles or desks on your back, you’ll also need to consider office relocation services that can help you get the move done with ease.

What are some of the things that an office relocation specialist can help with?

  • Site planning
  • Destination planning
  • Cubicle break down and
  • Packing and moving of furniture, equipment, computers, artwork, documentation and other items.
  • Setup of cubicles, equipment and furniture
  • Storage of items that are not currently needed in the new location or that don’t yet have a home
  • Document storage services

Depending on how much there is to do and how much of an active role you and your staff want to take in the relocation process, a company that specializes in moving offices can make the task as easy as possible for you. You can choose to do as little or as much as you want.  You can also oversee the move the way you want to have it done or can have a professional take care of the details for you.

Whatever you decide to do, relocating your office can be an exciting but stressful time. There is often much to be done and there is the need to keep workday disruptions to a minimum. That’s why so many companies, both large and small, rely on the services of professional relocation experts to make moves run as smoothly as possible.

For more information about the office relocation services offered by GFD Courier in NYC, call 212-349-3644 or 718-222-7444.

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