messengers help NYC event planning 300x200 1

Have you ever attended one of the city’s large-scale events and wondered what really goes on behind the scenes?  If the answer is “NO”, you are not alone.  Most attendees may give a little thought to how they will get to and from the event, as well as what they may need to bring along, but not all that many realize the slight chaos that may be going on out of view of the attendees or just how much time and effort was put into the planning and execution to get the event off the ground in the first place.  These larger-than-life events take the efforts of sometimes hundreds of company and event planning employees and volunteers, as well as tons of outside help from caterers, lighting specialists, sound crews and courier services.

Planning a large-scale event in NYC, such as Shakespeare in the Park produced by Public Theater at the open-air Delacorte Theater in Central Park or The Governors Ball Music Festival at Randalls Island Park, can take up to a full year of planning in order to pull off a successful show.  But all is not always on schedule and well underway according to the event planner’s strict timeline.  If one detail is missed, it can throw the whole production off schedule and cause major set-backs in getting the show on the road.

When the pipe and drape doesn’t arrive on time or the production crew leaves behind the boom, most event planners will make a call to a reputable NYC messenger service to save the day.  In most cases, it would take much more time to send an on-site crew member back to the warehouse on the other side of the city to pick up forgotten equipment instead of using a reliable messenger to quickly pick up and deliver what is desperately needed.  New York City’s messengers move fast and know better than most how to get through the city’s traffic jams and street closings, which mode of transportation to take, and how to gain quick access to restricted areas.

If you are a NYC event planner, caterer or trade show coordinator, or you work on an event production crew, you know very well just how important it is to form a good relationship with a reliable messenger service since no event ever seems to go off without a hitch.  There are too many components involved in any large-scale event for some detail or another not to have been overlooked or just plain forgotten or misplaced.  Having a professional messenger on hand can sometimes make the difference between the show going on on-time or not going on at all.  A skilled messenger knows full well that it is sometimes the small details that make the biggest difference and that providing speedy delivery of irreplaceable items is of great importance when it comes to executing some of the city’s most spectacular events.

For more information about the messenger delivery services offered by GFD Courier in NYC, call 212-349-3644 or 718-222-7444.

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