is being a NYC messenger right for you 300x211 1

The economic downturn has left NYC’s unemployment rate hovering a bit above the state’s average in 2015 and has left many unemployed and underemployed New Yorkers wondering if they should make a change in the type of job they are looking to pursue.  If you are tired of being cooped up in a small office for 8-12 hours a day, especially during the warmer weather, a position as a messenger could be the right career move for you.

NYC messengers do more than just deliver documents since there’s a lot more going on in this city than just document exchange.  Some companies offering courier services train employees to deliver and  trade show displays, process court documents, pack and unpack, take care of during relocations, transport one-of-a-kind clothing samples in the garment center, or deliver marketing materials and gift bags to premier events throughout the city, just to name a few.  There’s never a shortage of activities in this great city that require getting parcels from one location to another.

If you’re looking to make deliveries on foot, there isn’t any particular equipment needed to become a messenger besides a great work ethic, a good sense of direction and a really comfortable pair of shoes.  Becoming a bike messenger may require you to own your own bike and be responsible for the repairs, but many companies offer the equipment you need to complete your job.  If you are interested in delivering items by van or truck rather than by foot or bike, you should have a driver license, clean driving record and some relevant past experience.

The job can be challenging, but that seems to be one of things that many local messengers like about their job.  Clients, as well as the streets and congestion of the city, can be demanding but many people say that if there were no challenge, the job just wouldn’t be as interesting or satisfying.  You never know what you will see or who you will bump into (hopefully, not literally) working in NYC and that seems to be one of the main attractions for many who enjoy their job.  No two days are ever the same and you get to be outside experiencing it all instead of stuck in an office with the same staff each and every day.

Depending on the type of position within the industry that you are hoping to fill, it is helpful to be in good health, be strong and have some athleticism.  If you aren’t in prime shape when you start, you will likely be before you know it after moving all around time and carrying packages.  The job can sometimes be physically demanding so being a bike or foot messenger may not be the ideal job for someone in poor health or who doesn’t like to get their hands dirty. But if you love New York City for all of its quirkiness, enjoy being outdoors and like the challenge of meeting deadlines and exceeding expectations, you may have just found your calling.

For more information on becoming a messenger, contact GFD Courier in NYC at 212-349-3644 or 718-222-7444

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