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With today’s busy culture leaving most professionals with very little free time, New York City residents and businesses rely on the expertise of local courier services to pick-up and drop off whatever there is no time to do by themselves.

Whether you are running a large or small business or maintaining a household, there are only so many hours in a day and so many places you can be at one time.  Being able to free up additional time to spend with the family or to work on your company’s next big marketing strategy can make all the difference between a frenzied or fabulous day.  You may not be able to use a local courier to attend your afternoon client meeting or get the children from school, but you can utilize such services to manage other aspects of your day so that you can get where you need to be on time and in a relaxed and productive state-of-mind.

For the purposes of the first part of our two-part series, we’re going to touch on some of the personal uses for courier and messenger services.  Stay tuned to Part Two for the ways businesses can benefit most from these services.

Medical Documents and Prescriptions – If you’ve ever had to deal with specialists in the medical field, you know that there is a ton of paperwork and records that need to be shuffled around from one office to the next or to/from the patient, such as films that can’t be emailed or faxed, prescriptions that need to be dropped off in person, and supplies that have to be put to use quickly, such as a cane or brace.  It’s not always possible to run such errands when you’ve recently undergone a medical procedure. A local messenger can easily manage pick-up and delivery of what you need, when you need it, without you having to burden friends and family to manage day-to-day medical needs.

Gift Giving – Holidays like Mother’s Day and Father’s Day are always a great time to relax and spend some quality time with the family, but it’s not always possible to spend time with everyone you’d like to on that singular day.  Sending a little gift to let loved ones know that you are thinking about them even when you can’t be there is the best way to show just how much you care.  This is a good time to use a local courier to hand deliver a personalized gift basket or chocolates to mom or dad on their special day.

Shopping Delivery – Shopping in NYC can be a day of bliss, but when you just can’t carry around all that you’ve purchased from one store to the next your day can be unexpectedly cut short.  When purchases are big, bulky or just abundant, having packages delivered can be the only way to finish what you’ve started.  Most retailers don’t offer convenient delivery options, only variations that will take days to get the parcels into your hands.  A great option is to use a local messenger that offers same-day-delivery services to pick-up your goods directly from the store and get them to your front door in a flash.

Tax Preparations & Legal Document Delivery – No matter the time of year, there is always one matter or another that requires getting legal documents around town.  Whether you need to get important tax papers to the accountant in time for filing or closing documents to the bank in order for the purchase of your new home to go smoothly, there’s not always ample time in the day to run documents up or downtown.  Being able to rely on a messenger service that is known for their professionalism and precision can give you piece of mind and keep your affairs in proper order with ease.

For more information about the courier and messenger services in NYC offered by GFD Courier, call 212-349-3644 or 718-222-7444.

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