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April 15th, also known as “Tax Day” in the U.S., is fast approaching and many NYC companies have a lot of preparation to do before the date approaches.   Lots of taxpayers dread tax day because they fear that they will owe the IRS additional funds, but similarly, some taxpayers look forward to tax season in anticipation of receiving a refund check.  All in all, it is a very busy time of year for corporations, individual taxpayers and accounting firms alike.  IRS forms, interest statements, receipts and an abundance of other documents must be delivered with precision to appropriate parties before looming deadlines.

These documents are very important and highly confidential, so you shouldn’t trust just anyone to make sure they arrive in the right hands at the right time.  Many busy tax departments and individuals alike have found that relying on a local courier service at this time of year can provide reliable delivery, right when it’s needed most.  Companies, like GFD Courier, offer messenger and courier delivery service throughout NYC’s five boroughs, relieving the stress of getting your tax documents delivered on time to wherever they need to go.

Whether you are a company in need of getting W-2 forms to employees, an individual taxpayer who needs to get documents to their accountant or a tax preparer hurrying to get completed returns back to a taxpayer so they can be filed on time, a local courier service can be a saving grace.

Here are a few ways messengers can help during the busy tax season:

Employers – Employers must complete IRS Form W-2 (Wage and Tax Statement) and furnish to each employee, while also filing forms with the Social Security Administration,.  This document provides information regarding wages paid and taxes withheld for the year for the employee.  W-2’s must be provided to employees on or before January 31st.  If you are running behind, you may consider using a messenger service to deliver the forms before the deadline hits.

Corporate Tax Returns – Many corporations rely on accounting firms to prepare their taxes, whether annually, quarterly or otherwise.  Keep in mind that even companies who are permitted to file for an extension must do so before April 15th.  Messenger and courier services can play an integral part in getting the required documents to tax preparers at this critical time and also throughout the year.

Individual Tax Returns – Some individuals, even those who have already received their W-2, banking interest statements (must be delivered by February 28th) and any other pertinent documents, still seem to run late when making an appointment to have their taxes prepared.  If time is running out, your accountant may request that you send your paperwork via messenger so as to not miss the deadline.  Your accountant can prepare your taxes and have them sent back to you for review, signature and mailing.

If you dread tax day like so many Americans, you may want to request a meeting with your company’s human resources or financial department to review your withholding figures for the coming year.  Unless you look forward to receiving a generous refund check, it may be best to figure out just the right formula to allow you to come close to breaking even with the IRS at year’s end.

For more information about the messenger and courier delivery services offered by GFD Courier in NYC that can assist in tax day preparation, call 212-349-3644 or 718-222-7444.

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