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The holiday season is here and New Yorkers can tell just by the increased hustle, bustle…and traffic!  Even in these hard economic times, tourism in NYC has remained high due to heavily discounted and value-added pricing from the hospitality and entertainment industries. The city is expected to have welcomed over 55 million visitors by year’s end (approx. 80% domestic, 20% international), and many locals feel the effects while trying to get around town on foot, by bicycle, subway or auto. Since over half the households in New York City (75% in Manhattan) don’t own a car, much of the street traffic is caused by business activity and tourism combined.  About 20% of visitors to the city rent a car as opposed to using public transportation or taxi/limo, adding an additional strain on NYC’s already congested roadways.

Midtown Manhattan, the hub of the city’s seasonal attractions, bears most of the brunt of the heavy holiday congestion.  The Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade draws more than 3 million in-person watchers, while the lighting of the Rockefeller Center Christmas Tree draws up to 750,000 people per weekend day.  The holiday season alone draws more than a quarter of New York City’s annual visitors.  At holiday time, during midweek afternoon rush, motor traffic moves across midtown at less than 4.5 mph, just about the same speed as pedestrian traffic.  As usual, NYC has designated several seasonal Gridlock Alert Days for the borough of Manhattan. People are encouraged to leave their cars at home and take mass transit starting the week before Thanksgiving until after New Year’s Day.

With all of the holiday traffic and congestion, many businesses have to rely on their best resources and get a little creative when sending parcels across town or to any of the five boroughs.  More businesses are opting to send important documents and smaller packages via bicycle messenger service rather than making the trip across town in person.  Many companies are sending larger packages in the area via van and truck delivery services for faster transport than delivering items on their own or using global couriers.  Local NYC courier companies are most in tune with the least congested and fastest routes through the city, are very aware of routes directly affected by construction, as well as where the Holiday Construction Embargo (limiting non-emergency construction) is in effect within the city.  Messenger & courier services also have the added option to travel by bicycle, foot, subway, auto or truck.  Of course, the bike lanes, sidewalks, subways and streets are all over-crowded, but that’s just part of the job in the courier business around holiday time.

Doing business in the city can be challenging but can also be very rewarding around the holidays.  Where else can you experience such a spectacular array of holiday sights, sounds and attractions?  There’s no place like New York City for the holidays!

For more information about the same-day messenger services in NYC offered by GFD Courier, call

212-349-3644 or 718-222-7444.

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