Law Firms and Legal Logistics 1

Since 1982, GFD Courier has been delivering legal documents to and from court houses in and around the NY tri-state area.  We provide comprehensive court document delivery services that save lawyers, businesses and individuals valuable time and resources.  No matter what type of document needs to be delivered or processed in a court of law, our experienced couriers can get the job done professionally and efficiently.

When documents need to be delivered and processed in court, wherever the documents originate from, our court document delivery services can be a valuable asset to any law firm or business.  We can handle delivery of documents to any court we can reach by closing time, and take care of the entire process of delivering documents, waiting for them to be processed, and then returning the documents to the user.  We even offer notary services.

If original signatures are not required on the documentation to be delivered and processed, we can accept emailed documents, will print and copy the number of copies necessary for filing, and will then deliver the documents to the court house and will wait while they are processed and stamped.  Stamped copies of the documents can then be delivered or sent to their original destination or to anywhere the client requests.

Even in cases where original signatures are required on the documentation to be processed, GFD can handle the delivery and processing of the documentation.  Users of our service can have the documentation picked up by our legal couriers if they are in the NY tri-state area, or even if the documentation originates from outside of the area, the original documentation can be sent to us via FedEx or another carrier.  Once picked up or received by mail or overnight carrier, our court couriers will deliver the documentation to the requested court, and will wait while the documents are processed and stamped.  We will then return court stamped documentation to the client by any means necessary (in person delivery, email or overnight mail).

In addition to our court delivery services, we offer a notary service that adds immense value to our clients and helps in expediting documents back to our users.  Once our legal couriers serve court papers or file documents in court, our Notary Public can notarize the affidavit of service and immediately return the documents to the user.  This allows us to handle the complete process of delivery, processing and returning of documents in a timely fashion, even when documents require notarization.

Our experienced legal couriers can deliver documents to any court that can be reached by closing time on the day requested.  We regularly visit courts within the five boroughs of New York, as well as Nassau, Suffolk and Westchester counties, and even regularly deliver to courts in Albany, NY.  As long as we can arrive by the required time necessary, we can deliver legal documentation to any courthouse the client needs us to go to.   We have even been available at a moment’s notice to fly to a foreign court when documents needed to be hand delivered by the next morning.

Our court document delivery services provide exceptional benefits to lawyers, legal firms, businesses and individuals around the globe.  We understand that lawyers don’t have the time to personally deliver documents to court houses, judge’s chambers or other locations, and can’t waste time waiting for documents to be processed and stamped – even sending someone from the client’s firm often results in inconvenience and an inefficient use of company resources.   By letting us handle this service for them, we free up valuable time and resources for our clients.

At GFD Courier, we have over thirty years of experience dealing with the court system.  We offer responsible, dependable, and efficient court delivery services that provide users with the services they need, as well as the peace of mind of knowing that their legal documents are being handled by experienced professionals that they can trust to get the job done right.

For more information about the comprehensive court delivery services in NY and the surrounding areas offered by GFD Courier, contact us at 212-349-3644 or 718-222-7444.

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