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One day in November is set aside each year to honor veterans in our country.  This federal holiday is observed in the United States on November 11th and is designed to be a day to honor and thank those who have served in some capacity in the armed forces.  If you know a veteran who deserves some thanks (and they all do!), think about sending something special to that person on this day as a way to show your appreciation for his or her service.

What you send is less important than the sentiment that goes along with your gift.  Nothing elaborate or expensive needs to change hands on this day.  Rather, a simple gesture that shows your appreciation or makes it known that you understand the sacrifice that has been made can go a long way in making Veteran’s Day a special day for someone who has served our country.

While you can send a card by mail if you plan in advance or can say thanks to someone in person, one way to truly make a difference in someone’s day is by sending them something unexpected.  This is best done by using a courier service if your veteran of choice is located in the metropolitan NY area.  You can have the messenger send a card along with a small gift, or something that really will brighten the person’s day, such as a set of tickets to a sporting event or show, a special meal, or a copy of his or her favorite book or movie.  Simply having a messenger show up at an unexpected time with a small token of your appreciation will go a long way towards making a veteran’s day.

Even if you don’t know a veteran personally and would like to do something to show your appreciation for the men and women that serve our nation, there are things you can do.  There are veteran’s hospitals, homes and other organizations that provide much-needed services to our veterans.  If you have time to volunteer, now is the perfect time to do so.  Helping a veteran out in some way can be the perfect way to express your appreciation.  If you don’t have time to help or cannot get to a location where help is needed, sending along needed supplies or a donation can also do the trick.  Again, if you want to make someone’s day special, even if you don’t know the recipient personally, you may want to find out from the hospital, home or organization if you can have a messenger deliver something special to residents or members on this day.  You shouldn’t just send something in without getting prior approval however, since packages may be monitored or screened in these locations.

Tuesday, November 11th is the perfect time to tell a veteran how much you appreciate his or her service to our country.  Whether you do that in person, by volunteering your time, by sending a card through the mail or by using a messenger service to deliver a unique or special gift, don’t let the day go by without expressing your thanks to those who deserve it.

For more information about the messenger services offered by GFD Courier in the metropolitan NY area, call 212-349-3644 or 718-222-7444.

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