Courier Services Save Green Go Green 200x300 1

Need to get a lightweight package to a location anywhere in Manhattan and get it there quickly?  There’s one way to do so that can not only save you some green, but that is also green – as in good for the environment.  Call a courier!

By having a professional courier service deliver your letter, envelope or package, you can save money compared to what it might cost to have someone in your office stop what they’re doing to leave the office and head over to wherever you need the package delivered so that it gets there on time.  Relying on one of your own employees to handle the delivery is costly for a number of reasons, the most costly of which is the productivity lost by having someone traipse across town simply to drop something off and then return all the way back to the office when they could be doing something that is more likely to improve your bottom line.

Add to this the fact that the employee might have to wait for a signature, stamp or copy before returning to work and it’s easy to see how the time lost while the employee is out can really add up to quite a bit of wasted productivity.  Of course, that doesn’t even account for the possibility that your employee, once away from the watchful eyes in the office, may take his or her time returning to the office, or may make a slight detour to the nearest coffee shop or stop just to admire the sights along the way.

While considering the above scenario makes it easier to understand why having an employee deliver a package may not be the most cost effective way to get the package where it needs to go, it also doesn’t account for the larger impact this option may have on the environment.  It’s likely that unless the destination is just down the block, your employee will likely get into a cab to make it convenient for him or her to get to the intended destination.  This is not only costly, but it also is not the most environmentally friendly option, since a cab ride through Manhattan can use up quite a bit of fuel, diminishing air quality and negatively impact the ozone layer.

Couriers, on the other hand, deliver most packages by foot or bike if they’re heading to a relatively close location.  If the delivery is not easily accessible in this way, NYC couriers primarily take public transportation to reach their destination.  All of these modes of transportation are environmentally friendly options compared to a cab ride with a lone passenger heading to a single destination and then returning back to the original destination (not to mention the fact that the cab may also be asked to idle outside while waiting for the package to be dropped off so the person delivering the package can get back to work).

Most businesses don’t take the time to really think through the monetary and environmental consequences of how they decide to transport their time-sensitive deliveries in Manhattan from one location to another.  However, when you take the time to think about it, it’s easy to see why courier services can save you some green while also being a greener option for the planet.  A win-win opportunity!

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