Are You Ready for the Upcoming Holiday Season 300x200 1

Thanksgiving is upon us, and along with the festivities that are part of this celebration, many people are already looking ahead to the upcoming winter holiday season. That often leaves some people excited about what’s on the horizon and others dreading the increasingly long to-do list they have to tackle during the upcoming month.

If the holidays leave you more than a bit overwhelmed, now is the time to come up with a game plan that will help you get through the season with more joy and less stress.  How can you do that? Each person is different and you have to find what works best for you, but here are a few tried-and-true holiday stress-busters that may help.

  • Make a to-do list. Start to plan now for everything that needs to get done. Prioritize the important stuff and get rid of anything you can live without doing.
  • Delegate when possible. You don’t need to be a superhero. So find things that can be done by someone else – and then let them do them. For example, let your spouse do some of the shopping so you don’t have to do it all alone. Allow the kids to help you decorate the house. Hire a messenger service to pick up and deliver packages around town to save yourself some running around.
  • Learn to say “no”. If you find that you often have too many things on your plate, it’s okay to say no to some of the things. You don’t have to go to every party, cookie exchange or holiday dinner you’re invited to. Pick and choose what will bring you enjoyment and graciously turn down the rest.
  • Shop online. There’s no longer a reason to battle the crowds and stand on line at the stores, unless that’s something you really love doing. You can order just about anything you want online, all from the comfort of your couch.
  • Take time for yourself. We tend to get wrapped up in all there is to do during the holidays and everything we have to accomplish to make everyone else happy. If you want to enjoy the holiday season and get through the next few weeks stress-free, learn to take some time to focus on what you need and what makes you happy.

From all of us at GFD Courier, we wish you a very happy Thanksgiving and a joyful and stress-free holiday season.

For more information about messenger services in NYC, contact GFD Courier at 212-349-3644 or 718-222-7440.

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