Tips to Enjoy Springtime in New York City

Although this past winter has been relatively snow-free and a bit milder than usual, most New Yorkers are full of anticipation as the coming season is almost upon us. It’s just about time to shed those winter layers for good, not just for a teaser few days, and start enjoying the many sights, sounds, and […]
GFD Receives WOW! Award from CDW Merchants

We would to personally thank CDW Merchants for the wonderful recognition with the WOW! Award. The WOW! Award is an award given at CDW Merchants for individuals who have gone above and beyond. The week of Thanksgiving we received a call from Sandra that she needed 45 boxes picked up and delivered to Time Square […]
Are You Ready for the Upcoming US Holidays?

Thanksgiving is upon us, and along with the festivities that are part of this celebration, many people are already looking ahead to the upcoming winter holiday season. That often leaves some people excited about what’s on the horizon and others dreading the increasingly long to-do list they have to tackle during the upcoming month. If […]
3 Ways to Improve Efficiency and Productivity

Businesses of all sizes are often interested in finding ways to get the most out of their workforce and workday. Whether you are managing an office of just a few people or are part of a large corporation, efficiency is important to the company’s bottom line. The more efficient everyone in your office is at […]
Moving Your Office This Fall?

For many, the beginning of September is a time of new beginnings. Kids go back to school and routines return to normal after the informality of the summer winds to a close. While kids have a fresh start as they fill their backpacks with new school supplies and meet new friends and teachers, adults also […]
Reduce the Stress Before School’s Back in Session

As summer draws to a close, thoughts inevitably turn to the start of school if you have kids. Not only does that mean shopping trips to buy new clothes, backpacks and school supplies, but it also likely means a return to a more hectic daily routine than you’ve been experiencing during the last couple of […]
Stay Cool This Summer in the City

Does the heat and humidity of New York City in the summer have you wishing you could just stay inside in the cool air conditioning? If so, you’re not alone. Many New Yorkers hate to brave the busy streets during the height of the day when sweltering conditions greet you outdoors. But how do you […]